Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Free Wi-Fi Hotspots

& 39; TANSTAAFL & 39;, the acronym for "Is not No such thing as a free lunch ", may be familiar to those of you who have taken a university economics class or two. Every time I hear the word & 39; free & 39; in association with a product or service is a good idea to keep in mind because, in truth, nothing is free. Someone, somewhere, somehow, is having an economic cost, and hence, is Wi-Fi. In most any of the Wi-Fi you will come across some kind of quid pro quo associated with them.

If going to a McDonalds, for example, you can get a little Wi-Fi with the purchase of a meal , If you are going to Panera Bread or Port City Java, though not explicitly, is to understand that you hopefully, as it must, to buy something for the right of access to the surfboard, while the & 39; Net & 39;.

Along with several companies and municipal International Airport Authorities, as well as an increasing number of airline club lounges, are offering Wi-Fi in an effort to influence travelers, who may be able to choose among several airlines or airports nearby, to choose. Similarly, increasingly hotels offer Wi-Fi for their guests, while the Wi-Fi hotspot may be advertised as free, it cost is rolled into the room price or cost to advertising.

There are some places in which, although funding can come through the imposition of some kind, not the direct costs of user is associated. An increasing number of public libraries, for example, are offering Wi-Fi and, amid growing controversy, several towns and cities have set up free Wi-Fi Hotzone or who are studying the possibilities.

Finding that these Wi-Fi is not difficult. sponsoring the Wi-Fi-FreeSpot Directory and some Wi-Fi aggregators, like GoRemote, are starting to include ads in their free hotspots directories.

When& 39;re free access to Wi-Fi hotspot are some things you should take into account:

Don technology & 39; t expect much help. The waiters, waitresses or Barista may have some knowledge, but work, do not count on it, that is not why we are there.Don & 39; t prolong your welcome. If there is a line of people trying to find a seat and you& 39;ve been nursing a latte two hours you, and others like you, may be contributing to the seat holder of the growing desire to start charging a fee for senior Wi-Fi access that provide.Make sure to continue the good Wi-Fi Hotspot practices.

So Security, while free can not be totally free, is certainly reasonable. With a little planning should be able to save yourself a few dollars a month while enjoying the ambiance of your favorite Wi-Fi hotspot.

E. Phil Haley is the author of more than Leaf Wireless for dummies and owner of For more information about current forms of technology, including but not limited to, laptops, Wi-Fi and VoIP, can be used to improve their lives and livelihoods visit and consider buying more of the Road Wireless for dummies (please?).

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