Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Managing Email: Overflowing Inboxes

While we have with the newspaper sinking in & 39; In-Box is a challenge for most firms, the same situation repeats itself in & 39; e-mail boxes. It & 39; is not unusual during our period of training cadres and leaders of seminars and consultations, d & 39; hear that hundreds, sometimes thousands of e-mails have someone & 39; a in the inbox.

Each time you l & 39; failure d & 39; an immediate decision on what to do with a note, it is the & 39; background image, as the stack of paper, s & 39; accumulate in our offices. This disorder & 39; n is not only physical but spiritual background image d & 39; background image of the distraction we immediate tasks in hand.

Consider two possibilities, that the accumulation Missives. Start with the left quite & 39; l & 39; idea of an empty box and you will receive 50 E-mails per day.

Scenario One:

Fifty e-mails have been waiting for you today & 39; hui a conservative figure, and you will be removed, 25 d & 39; between them, and the other 25 to reach another time. Tomorrow, there are 50 new ones. To return to the handle 25 and well, but the rest for another time, you start with 100 on Day 3. In a week, if you opened your inbox, instead of 50 began, you know this week, you are looking now at 225 points to take decisions. The stress starts to build ..

Scenario Two:

You get 50 E-mail and today & 39; hui, with 25 d & 39; between them, but do not remove because you never know when you want, the reference to this information. Therefore, tomorrow you have 100 e-mails in your inbox, as you day. You have to be scanned by all d & 39; them, because some of those d & 39; yesterday can become an additional measure, but you & 39; n are not sure whom. L & 39; before next Monday, 350 e-mails and fear & 39; the idea that work by them ..

That is only one week. Each day, you have to scroll down and find out & 39; s there is something that must be done. Why not take a decision immediately in each e-mail, to vote in the & 39; appropriate body for further operations? It eliminates the feeling of control, and reduced feeling of & 39; within missing.

Just people like me & 39; s exercise during seminars and One-on-one sessions & 39; use a raft to navigate through the pile of paper and stand formally, it is the method RAFT experience You can navigate through your good quantities of e-mail.

My RAFT consists of four planks: READ - ACT - Feature - TOSS. Each object, whether paper or electronic, in & 39; one of these categories. A decision is immediate. You know, where each document, as yet, and if forward.


Reading materials can be divided into two groups:

1. Casual reading: It would be good to have a chance to read it, but it & 39; is no deadline, and it does not refer to a current project. Have a casual reading of folders, you can, and then at regular intervals, a block of time in your program specially designed for players casual reading.

2. With a reading of accompanying measures & 39;: Move to your task list. If you have a list of tasks electronic drag above and paste you a date. If you use a system based on paper Tickler, d & 39; mail print-and-drop in the moment.


This E-mail requires more & 39; action on your part. Pull it into the schedule or list of tasks to your program & 39; e-mail, then a date, or print it and place it in the precise moment in your document Tickler. For now, always ask: What & 39; is it that my & quot; next step? When do I have a chance to do so? & quot;


If, it is not & 39; d & 39; action that you meet, you should perhaps the temporary custody or place it in your wardrobe in the long term.

1. The files of the project: When he acts & 39; s d & 39; activity and you want to progress, have a temporary folder on your desktop. You can delete the file at the end of the project.

2. The reference files they want to note for future & 39;, which you can print and place in your document-filing system, or save them in a My Documents folder & quot; a & amp; quot;.


Be liberal with the Delete key. Thus, many people are afraid to throw every mail, even if they need & 39; nothing else to do. Just like on paper, the question to ask: What & 39; is the & quot; worse, what might happen if I do not have this e-mail? & quot; & 39; S & 39; it is not too bad, and it & 39; s & 39; is not right for financial reasons or conservation, then discard.

Everyone l & 39; known adage, & quot; with a piece of paper only once. & quot; It should not cash. Instead, it is only once, as far as making far. Then put it in an appropriate place for some time. Your e-mail work the same way and reduces stress daily.

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