Wednesday, March 19, 2008

10 Proven Tips for Surviving A Computer Crash

10 Tips to prove stay computer crash derived from, and how to do space age with Stone Age brain TM abbott
do the eve of these words to strike fear you? If not, perhaps they should! Computer crash is at best costly and time-consuming, and at worst a true disaster work. Here are things you can do now to prevent collisions and / or securing a smooth recovery if you use your computer at work or your life - or both, like me!
the first rule in disaster reduction is the backup computer. Second rule easier to recover data backup. Third rule is to regulate computer in standby. I am surprised at the number of people (in the large and small) who do not back up the work regularly. Without a good backup, you risk losing everything if the hard drive goes abdomen - up.
start by identifying all of your programs to save automatically after 2 minutes. This will protect your work against a temporary freeze - complained and indiscriminate shutdowns.
second, fill your computer, monitor, and other electronic equipment to complained of battery backup unit to protect it from power surges and interruptions. And such a unit will give you 5 minutes to save your work and close your computer if the power usually goes out.
then - backup! (If you are not sure what the best way to back up is, keep reading.)
i bought a new Hewlett Packard Pavilion XP system and started back up weekly. After seven months, and returned from making a cup of tea and listen to my computer click away - click - click loudly. Hard drive just crashed for no reason at all. As is often the case, and I lost everything it.
i I felt confident my data backed copies of my entire working c - campaign on CD, but even with backups, and even if your computer is still under guarantee, let& 39;s realistic about how to obtain the a lot of time and money can be completed at a cost of one crash you.
it took four days for me to get a special shipping box horse sent me back to the computer. They replaced the hard drive, and was returned within 10 working days, in charge of reform and freight. That is still up to three weeks without computer.
first my country, and I rented a laptop and spent hours installing programmes I usually use. Laptop rental cost me $ 250.00 for one month, with $ 500 refundable deposit. I could have hired a desktop least monthly, but I have had to wait a week to get on the computer. It is great to have to use my laptop computer repair even arrived. However, he had to go through a process I restore himself again when re-with a new hard drive. More than wasted time and more frustration, too.
second, I spent my hours import data from the backup discs. I lost almost a week& 39;s worth of data (speed entrances, word documents, and calendars, and contact information) because that when I travel between backups.
third, I spent hours re-composition settings usually my software. Fourth, I had to install some programs that I was small I forget the need. Damage: in some cases can restore data from your hard disk is dead, depending on what caused the accident. Professional data recovery services charge $ 500 1500 to get your data back, and you have to pay whether or were not restore anything.
you can find more information about data recovery services in pricing.html recovery.asp.
i and paid $ 1000.00 consultancy fees of computers for the establishment of the stone, taking my computer apart and once again we get to build and manage - OK . This regardless of the costs of restoring data, which saved me from my stand having to pay.
the Total: $ 1250.00 and 7 days in lost time. Creative expensive given the fact that I had all of my current data backup on cds.
backup options
there are many ways to back up the information. CD, and memory sticks (thumb pays), and external hard drive and the World Wide Web (Internet). If you have more than one computer, you can back up from one to another through a network drives - but you have to protect only in the event of a disaster and one time.
there four questions is that you need to ask yourself regarding your backup complained:
1) How important is your data? (My life is on the hard drive critical = (2) Do you support or practical add large quantities of information? 3) at any time you add enough to make it a real loss? (Day, week, per project (4) Do you work with very large files of any kind?
the you more information or practical addition to your computer hard drive, and whenever you need a backup. High volume or critical files needed to stand daily.
memory sticks (thumb drives): critical backup file (or large file transfer) is made easy and fast by this useful memory and storage devices. use your memory stick only when you entered a lot of data and accelerate and you do not want to take a chance on losing it, but do not want to do a full backup. little sign of any media backup all files with the contents and date. for example, my most recent book is a file " newbook - 08 - 07.doc " .
zip drives and CD: Zip drives and disks can work well for the sudden return of large enterprises. I had a client who was a writer and she kept the CD and one for each of her books, which contain all the files related to the book - not only text. convinced if you use Zip disks campaign to store your data - No change in the media to another. Note: Many people over CD postal code, even if you need to share data may need to switch to cds .
cds or DVDs: in the same way you and paper archives each year after taxes), with a backup copy of your program and accounting data), and to consider supporting the entire project on CD at the end. These data remain available and safe, without scatter the hard drive. If you protect a large multimedia files can be used dvds.
you file project closeout CD / DVD archive files with matching paper. Or keep a variety of backup disk (DVD orderly (written history) is divided into projects, and assistants programs.
the backup is the use of CD-i & 39; data & 39; only for the protection of important information in the case of the evolution of the problem - backup system. if you are going to archive (eg, taxes) may not access backup for a long time - go with CDs. CDs are more stable, and you are less likely to run trouble with irretrievable data. always use the value flying brand names CDs (or other media). opponent and the media is probably fail.
disk & 39; cloning & 39;: for $ 70 or less, you can back up your entire campaign (operating system, and programmes and data) using " CD Reproduction & quot; software (Norton ghosts, model drive backup, or pay powerquest image). You can store this image " & quot; of the campaign on your removable media such as large capacity memory sticks or external hard drive.
you can obtain more information on the disk cloning software: protocol transition complex text: / / / sabu / ghost / ghost personal /
web: There are services on the Internet (for example,, which will automatically back up from your computer (either wholly or just change files). this backup and restore option limited only by the speed of your connection to the Internet. some people to leave their computer all night to do backups.
the reverse process will be more complicated, because you can not restore direct from the Internet. many of the information technology and graphics professionals use of the services because of the huge files a process Backup day.
your all the files stored on the server) to them. This is a good thing because it is off-site in case of disaster recovery. Unfortunately, your data is only as secure as on the server. I do not use this option, because I do not think that there is any function on the Internet as safe as it is to do so by myself and keeping control of all data at all times. If you do not use huge files, I need it.
external Hard Drive (xhd): I chose this option after the disaster shattered my country because I can re-restore the entire system without time lost from my operating system settings, load software and data from the backup and restore application muddle, etc.
an external hard drive (100 dollars), with & 39; cloning disk & 39; software allows you to insert the entire campaign on your backup copies. If you do not use lightly movement You can only software programming, data assistants on the hard drive of Foreign Affairs, not the same operating system. NAM lightly software will enable you to conduct & 39; boot disk & 39; just for the restoration of external hard drive your main computer.
this option will allow you to fully restore your computer and, if necessary (ie, with the hard drive damage) . Or, install a new hard drive on your computer and then restore immediately.
just fill external hard drive in the computer and start backup, and verify data. Then, I Separate external hard drive. This takes about fifteen minutes total reserve for my country. After backup, and I xhd storage in the trunk of my car (in the case to protect laptop). Even if the house burns down I still have my entire capacity of the computer on the outskirts car.
first in my country, and the spectre xhd just on your operating system and programmes with all the custom settings. Secondly, is it the ghosts of your entire system (operating system, software and data). Thirdly, is the regular working campaign data assistants. Make sure any programmes than ever to use, the second xhd backup, and / or in your work your hard drive for & 39; regular maintenance & 39; backups.
i can get a new computer, a copy of everything I need to obtain work. It is possible for this negative side; if you had told & 39; recovery & 39; on new computer with a new system (different composition and drivers), and you will have a problem with restoring order until you reload the correct drivers and the elimination of & 39; Old & 39; them.
backup, backup, backup! , How can combine these different options for action in the reserve is your position? Take the simplest way that will protect your information. If all you need is a disk file backup box for - great!
i use xhd once a week to offer programs and backup of data. The first between the use of memory sticks or CD-ROM, depending on the size of the files and when I want to preserve it. There is enough room for my xhd for a system total 6 - the - data backup of my entire system XP. Once, your operating system backup, but if you change your formations or programmes, I do not need to do so again. For regular maintenance, your work & 39; data & 39; drive.
if you to do something, you guarantee that there will be a disaster sooner or later. Choose what works best for you and a standby ticket as far as you need to stay sane person do when happen.
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copyright 2007 eve Abbott. All rights reserved. rosa jenine

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